Department of Archaeology, Ancient History and Conservation - Notification of resumption of studies

Form: 673

Read through the information below before filling in the form:

If you have been granted approved leave from studies and submit notification of resumption of studies no later than the date indicated on the decision approving leave from studies, you are guaranteed a place in the degree programme in the semester specified in the decision.

If you have been absent or have submitted notification of discontinuation, you can only resume your studies if a place is available.


Don’t forget to

  • Check that you have filled in your contact details correctly.
  • State whether or not you have been granted approved leave from studies.


If you have any questions about the process, contact:



  • Tecken kvar
  • Tecken kvar
  • Please note: When you have filled in the form and sent it in, it is important not to close the webpage. Keep it open until you receive confirmation that a case has been created. 

    If you want to communicate with us, it is important that you quote the case number given in the confirmation.